If foreigner buy the property in Indonesia rights which can using is RIGHT OF PROPERTY
RIGHT OF PROPERTY is rights for use and collect the result from land which is in mastering direct by citizen or than own the others giving authority and obligation which is determining in its gift decision by official functionary give it or in agreement with its land owner which is non agreement of tenancy or agreement of land
processing which everything don't oppose against the soul and rules and regulations
RIGHT OF PROPERTY can be given as follows " During certain duration or during its land in utilizing for certain " Free with of payment or service gift in the form of any " Duration of right of property is 30 annual and earn in lengthening with the time at longest 20 year.
Which can obtain, get the right of property is
1. Indonesia Citizen ( WNI)
2. Foreigner dimiciling in indonesia
3. Body - legal body which is founded by according to Indonesia law and domicile in Indonesia
4. Foreign legal body having delegation in Indonesia
To make the application of right of property for Foreign WNA(foreigner) origin certificate in turning into right of property later;then in executing merchant on condition that as follows " PASSPORT " KITTAS(KIM)
If that foreigner have the PT by self hence Rights used by Rights which is in using is RIGHTS UTILIZE THE BUILDING. Rights Utilize the Building is : Rights to found and have the building - building for land which is non its own property with the duration at longest 30 year , and the duration can in lengthening at longest 20 year. Rights Utilize the Building can change over and earn in transferring to other party. Which can obtain the Hak Guna Bangunan is
1. Indonesia Citizen
2. Legal body founded by according to law in Indonesia and domicile the Indonesia
3. Foreigner dimiciling in Indonesia
4. Foreign legal body having delegation in Indonesia
people Or legal body having Rights Utilize the Building and shall no longger fulfill the conditions of mentioned in duration 1 year is obliged to discharge or transfer the condition. If Rights Utilize the the Building do not in discharging or transferring the within hence that rights in vanishing by that law. Rights Utilize the Building can be vanished by because
1. Duration end
2. Discontinued by before its duration end because something condition which do not in fulfilling
3. Discharged by handle before its duration
4. In abstracting for the sake of public
5. In neglected
6. Its land is annihilate
Term of condition for the application of Rights Utilize the Building
1. Original Certificate
2. Copy the passport
3. SPPT (land tax letter) last year.
4. PPH / BPHTB (cost to obtain of land)
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