Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

When The Road Fresh

Finish Nyepi lastday in my kampoeng Belayu..then I have return to Denpasar City of 7 AM o'clock morning through the street ..is true there is garbage but fresh and cold real correct air and experience of … I see clean altogether.
And market shop which thrown not yet opening possible not yet ready to sell something..but feel this nicely to introspect for environmental pest
Possible this there (be) still feel which I asking.. can be the government weaken the ownership of motor/mobile? What can motor/mobile don't be added again? Or certain street do not certain throwed by mobile? Its target let don't stuck or busy.

Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Nyepi is Bird Day....

Mr Arik wrote:
Nyepi is a Balinese. The Day of Silence………that. It is a day of silence, fasting, and meditation. Observed from 6 a.m. until 6 a.m. the next morning, Nyepi is a day reserved for self-reflection and as such, anything that might interfere with that purpose is restricted. The main restrictions are: no lighting fires (and lights must be kept low); no working; no entertainment or pleasure; no traveling; and for some, no talking or eating at all. The effect of these prohibitions is that Bali’s usually bustling streets and roads are empty, there is little or no noise from TVs and radios, and few signs of activity are seen even inside homes. The only people to be seen outdoors are the Pecalang, traditional security men who patrol the streets to ensure the prohibitions are being followed.
But in fact Nyepi also bird day because bird life very freedom there is no voice the machine of mobile or factory. In Bali, human being at home .. only pecalang inside…The birds fly high, can descend upon street, at garden without trouble of human. And the bird think to suppose every day there is Nyepi…we freedom man…. but if “my little bird” on Nyepi yaa sleep fine with near my darling. Hahahha…….

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

For Foreigner : The regulation of property in Bali

If foreigner buy the property in Indonesia rights which can using is RIGHT OF PROPERTY
RIGHT OF PROPERTY is rights for use and collect the result from land which is in mastering direct by citizen or than own the others giving authority and obligation which is determining in its gift decision by official functionary give it or in agreement with its land owner which is non agreement of tenancy or agreement of land
processing which everything don't oppose against the soul and rules and regulations
RIGHT OF PROPERTY can be given as follows " During certain duration or during its land in utilizing for certain " Free with of payment or service gift in the form of any " Duration of right of property is 30 annual and earn in lengthening with the time at longest 20 year.
Which can obtain, get the right of property is
1. Indonesia Citizen ( WNI)
2. Foreigner dimiciling in indonesia
3. Body - legal body which is founded by according to Indonesia law and domicile in Indonesia
4. Foreign legal body having delegation in Indonesia
To make the application of right of property for Foreign WNA(foreigner) origin certificate in turning into right of property later;then in executing merchant on condition that as follows " PASSPORT " KITTAS(KIM)
If that foreigner have the PT by self hence Rights used by Rights which is in using is RIGHTS UTILIZE THE BUILDING. Rights Utilize the Building is : Rights to found and have the building - building for land which is non its own property with the duration at longest 30 year , and the duration can in lengthening at longest 20 year. Rights Utilize the Building can change over and earn in transferring to other party. Which can obtain the Hak Guna Bangunan is
1. Indonesia Citizen
2. Legal body founded by according to law in Indonesia and domicile the Indonesia
3. Foreigner dimiciling in Indonesia
4. Foreign legal body having delegation in Indonesia
people Or legal body having Rights Utilize the Building and shall no longger fulfill the conditions of mentioned in duration 1 year is obliged to discharge or transfer the condition. If Rights Utilize the the Building do not in discharging or transferring the within hence that rights in vanishing by that law. Rights Utilize the Building can be vanished by because
1. Duration end
2. Discontinued by before its duration end because something condition which do not in fulfilling
3. Discharged by handle before its duration
4. In abstracting for the sake of public
5. In neglected
6. Its land is annihilate
Term of condition for the application of Rights Utilize the Building
1. Original Certificate
2. Copy the passport
3. SPPT (land tax letter) last year.
4. PPH / BPHTB (cost to obtain of land)

Chafe The Middle Ear

Arigawa wrote :
Galungan day yesterday I have time to play at Bale Kembar in Saren Belayu. The best place where my brothers was gathering that is vacation in village. Other dissimilar place in Blayu.. but this place is unique it is true. After used up there play at during 6 clock from 13.00 am o’clock ending in drubbing …. its night is direct midnight…make my body condition was of drop. Its term is heavy flu. Manis Galungan day there is game go on but I cant play, because my body drop condition refuse.
So its night is this heavy flu accompanied with my ear was which is pruritis.. I take some cottonbut than this fuck thruway to my left ear …from night until Saturday the cottonbut I can't stoped because its make my fine. Out of luck probably because too besotted my hole husk start the hurt and that night and infection ( Saturday night) feeling start nope. In the Morning of Sunday my left ear was hot and a few little swelling. Such of doctor of specialist THT there no taking care of ill then this is I hold up …. I have time to to doctor of SHHC Clinic at Tarakan street..Give by her drug dropp and drug . But rather than healing progressively become more and more the .. Sunday night really become the grief night … My Monday I'm direct check to doctor of specialist THT in Prima Medika Hospital..By Doctor Agus was adjudged to by chafe the ear and super bloat..than given of drop but not deflect… So Doctor Agus given by medicine like analgesic, and prevent bloated and the best antibiotic …than in rontgen of caused by suspicion of doctor Agus because it’s indication there is other problem like there is heap something in nose channel go to the ear and existence of curving in positive cartilage Result of rontgen … positive than doctor Agus suggest to medic operate for this case is not recurred …evening I decide to return again go to the doctor Agus in Nikki Medika to check the my ear condition is which is ill progressively.
Until I write this my blog..i still feel my ear bloat …I take just prayer hopefully I immediately fine again… ….

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009



Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Selamat to PROF. BAWA.....

Oke Wayan Blauh kita lewati...karena dia lagi stresss...kita beralih dengan ceremony Prof Bawa di kampus Fakultas Hukum UNUD di jalan Bali..saya ingat beliau juga pembimbing I sewaktu menempuh ujian S2 Magister Kenotariatan (MKn). Prof Made Subawa SH, MS yang saya tahu sewaktu dekat beliau adalah pribadi yang terbuka dalam arti apapun masalah yang saya hadapi beliau selalu terbuka...di dalam melakukan metode pengajaran beliau juga sangat humor..sehingga kalau beliau mengajar di S2 Kenotariatan di ruangan selalu segar dengan materi yang beliau sampaikan...Materi yang beliau sampaikan sewaktu saya kuliah dulu yaitu Teori Hukum dan Sosiologi Hukum..cara beliau mengajar yang smile ..kemudian ada sedikit joke-joke segar yang tentunya peserta begitu antusias mengikuti materi beliau.....
Seperti yang disampaikan sewaktu Selamatan Sabtu tadi..tanggal 14 Maret 2009 oleh bapak Dekan Prof. Wairocana dan Prof. Dewa Atmaja...bahwa memang Prof. Bawa sosok pribadi yang tekun dan ulet...pemaparan para senior dan kolega beliau jelas tersirat bagaimana Prof Bawa menjadi sosok Guru Besar yang hebat dan menjadi motivasi bagi kita semua untuk maju mencapai cita-cita...
Selamat meraih Guru Besar Prof. Bawa ...Prof Bawa membawa saya menuju motivasi yang saya ingin tuju....

Senin, 09 Maret 2009


(tulisan ini saya tujukan kepada pak Agung Ari selaku kawan saya yang suka ngotak ngatik computer…….)
Saya orang yang golput….saya bingung melihat fenomena yang baru saya lihat sepanjang hidup…pesta demokrasi model apa ini yang ujung2nya menghabiskan uang rakyat yang tiada gunannay…bukankah biaya itu untuk kesejahteraan rakyat…pendidikkan, dana social dan yang terpenting memberikan manfaat bagi rakyat….
Sementara itu kesan kumuh terpancar tatkala saya saksikan……baliho bertaburan di sepanjang jalan, berisi photo caleg maupun calon DPD, ada yang robek juga lho….. berisi doa restu mohon ditunjuk, contreng saya …..(saya pikir kok seperti meminta2 hehe…..pengemis kale…). Belom lagi atribut bendera parpol …mana yang robek mungkin diterjang angin …hmmm
Kawan…kita hanya bisa bersaksi kemanakah dibaw a rakyat ini….dengan beribu janji-janji… Oh penguasa …masih banyak rakyat miskin…Siapun yang nanti terpilih saya tidak perduli…saya titip pak Agung untuk memilih calon wakil rakyat yang bisa memerangi kemiskinan dn kemelaratan, kebodohan. Korupsi disikat habis…..

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Go with the wind

Hari ini hari Sabtu, jam enam lebih tigapuluh menit Waktu Indonesia Bagian Tengah (06.30 WITA), tanggal tujuh Maret duaribu sembilan (07-03-2009). ----------------

Pagi ini sebenar nya mau balik Belayu tapi ada kegiatan seminar...weleh...model akademik lagi nih...ok masih jauh jam..nanti jam 8 lah.
Friend..lastday kemarin aku sempat dengar dari pengakuan teman ku bahwa sebenarnya ada akal-akal atau intrik lah dalam permainan trading ini sehingga tercipta suatu kecurangan dalam permainan itu....yang dikatakan metode permainan robot..ok sekedar info saja ..itu software yang diciptakan manusia dengan "memainkan" server nya. hehehe....modal ratusan juta bisa go with the wind......
Trus lastday juga ..karena kmaren telat upload commment..2 (dua) notaris ditahan Polda Bali karena kasus penggelapan uang client.....gila bener ini notaris...nah yang ini jabatan bisa go with the wind.....
segitu saja dulu ...oh ya bagi rekan yang tergabung alumni MKn Unud coba simak web yang aku buat dadakan okay....www.alumni-mknunud.blogspot.com
web gratisan ..hehehhe/....

Minggu, 01 Maret 2009

On March < Limitted Times for Based

Ari J Khan the newbizz wrote :
Waktu terus mengejar... masuk Bulan Maret ..kata temen untuk urusan broker.. suasana libur mulai terasa bagi orang Bali yang beragama Hindu. Ada hari raya Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi lagi..beruntun bro....Bali = banyak libur ...hhehehe
Peduli amat...yang penting easy live..Yang tak kalah heboh ada banyak artis ibukota konser di Bali..(mungkin Bali itu nikmat...bagi mereka). Ada si bahenol si JUPE, ada SLANK ada BCL, masih banyak lagi...
Waktu kerja jadi terbatas...blom lagi undian second leg Champion..mana sibuk cari partner....wakakaka....
Kata tetangga yang berfrofesi sebagai tukang tajen sempat bilang ...bagi dia suasana apapun yang penting masuk harian paling ngak goceng...lebih syukurlah....
Lain lagi tetangga temen ku punya temen bilang ada temennya kerja di rumah sakit dapet jabatan promosi untuk kamuflase nya dipersempit....ya maksud nya gini..kalau sebelomnya nyambi dan sulit dicari karena saru...skarang dah di promosi jadinya susah dapet ceperan apalagi mbolos....wakakaakaka.........ada2 aja si bos itu..bikin orang susah saja ya......
Ok balik ke waktu yang tiada henti memburu...apa sih yg diburu atau ini hanya perasaan aku saja ya,,,??!

Salam manis buat : rekan ku pak Mangku di Jogja sana...everything its okay ???